It stands for Review, Release, Reclaim, Reboot.
I am a survivor of domestic abuse of the narcissistic kind (that says a lot about whom I was and why it happened to me), and it took me a long while to get back into my life. I don't want that for you. You can read more about my story in the book "The Coaching Corner". My chapter is called... Review, Release, Reclaim, Reboot!
This method is the method I use to fast track you through the necessary acknowlegement and changes needed, so you can get back in the driver's seat. So you can be the main character in your life, and write your script at the same time.
I know what depression feels like. I know what it looks like, athough I will not be diagnosing anyone, my wish is to fast track as many people as possible, so they don't have to go through years of overwhelm. And in that fast tracking method, we get you the right tools so you can be empowered, peace-filled and resilient.
Our work will unfold in four two hour sessions, during which we will employ different techniques I have been using for years, and that allowed me to get out of my circumstances (without medication, I might add, but it's ok if you need medication. Sometimes we need that help. It's just that there is still work to be done).
Because it gives us a chance to find the balance between momentum and dragging things out.
Our sessions will go as follows, sessions will be 2-3 weeks apart max, to allow for integration of the principles and healing process.
It's not a marathon, but we will need to keep you moving from A to B:
1- Review :
We will start by exploring where you are emotionally and physically. We’ll dive into what’s happening in your life—whether it’s stress, overwhelm, or emotional disconnection—and understand the underlying causes.Some possible tools and topics that may come up:
- how you grew up
- your challenges
- relationships
- mind-body connection
- self care practices
- coaching and healing methods you have tried...
Knowledge is power, this is why we need to take stock, get things out in the open, put down the filters.
It is important for me to know you, your values, your motivations so I can tailor the best approach for you.
2- Release :
Once we’ve reviewed your situation, we’ll work together to release what's holding you back.
This could include old patterns, limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, or stress that’s weighing you down.
You’ll feel lighter and more open to healing do you can move forward.
Some possible tools and topics that may come up:
- Self-Regulation
- Breathing
- Meditative or mindfulness practices
- Mind Management
- Essential Emotions (if you have dōTERRA essential oils)
- Clearings
3- Reclaim :
Once we have cleared the obstacles, you will have the space to reclaim your inner strength and resilience.
I will guide you while you refine what you want from life, and take you through a transformative Emotional Mind Reset session or a Mindscaping session like you have never experienced.
Thanks to the work we will have done in the previous sessions, you will have the space to remember who you are, how you functioned before issues came up, and you will be able to apply heart-set and mindset techniques to support your well-being.
4- Reboot :
Finally, you will be able to reboot your life.
You’ll walk away with the tools to maintain balance, regain control, and embrace a life of clarity, peace, and confidence.
In this session, I will take you through a life affirming Clarity and Envisionning Coaching session. I designed this kind of coaching so you can get in touch with exactly what you want, and how you want to feel.
Think of this session as a superpowered vision boarding session, but without the faff of cutting up magazines and playing with glue sticks!
Your investment is in Euros, so woopdeedoo if the exchange rate works for you and will be payable in one go €888, or two payments of €444.
I do not wish to penalise those who need a bit of time to gather funds, so I absorb the cost of two transactions, and I certainly don't add 25% on top as I have seen some coaches do.