I developed this technique while working with my downlines, as a leader in network marketing. Network marketing and sole entrepreneurship in general, require a huge amount of personal development, that then needs to be incorporated into the work.
All that toxic talk from coaches such as "you don't have it because you don't want it bad enough" had me reeling for years, and made me quite angry, to be honest. All I see are shaming blanket statements, ignoring personal circumstances, and I find this approach unproductive with most people.
So I decided to do something about it. Something caring and efficacious. I also have a hypnotic trick up my sleeve, but more on that later.
We will meet on a video call and I will share my Canva screen where I have a template, which we will fill out with YOUR mind map. YOUR Heart map. We will get your EXACT feels and needs and wants. And we will expand on them.
Because it gives us a chance to find the balance between momentum and dragging things out. It allows you to get your ideas and feels aligned. It gives you the brainspace you need to see clearly, and we will connect to that. Honestly, I like to book those sessions away from others so if we need to take a little more time, we do.
Your investment is in Euros, so woopdeedoo if the exchange rate works for you and will be payable in one go at the time of booking , €222. The effects of this session will be felt throughout the next few months, and you can readjust and put yourself through another session whenever you want as by then, you will have learnt how it works!